Wednesday, April 30, 2008

One More Thing Checked Off!

Radio Shack recycles batteries. Even alkaline! I have kids with toys. So this is huge. I now have a plastic chocolate covered raisin's container from Costco that I'm repurposing as a Batteries Are Recyclable Holding Facility (or BARHF). When it gets full, I have an excuse to go to the mall.


Bree said...

I didn't know that they did that! This is great news because my recycling facility here in RI doesn't take them, and I'v ebeen saving tghem for months. In WA State, they did take them, and I just assumed they would here, too. Nope. So hooray for Radio Shack!!

Bree said...

OK, so maybe I should check my typing before I publish. Oops!