Thursday, April 3, 2008

By Way of Introduction II: The Other Half

True to form, my best friend and co-green blogger, figured out a simple way to start our Going Green blog: by simply starting. And she knew that the best way to start any new relationship is by introducing herself (if you only knew how good she is at that!).

For now I am a stay-at-home parent to a 9-year-old girl which affords me the time to be "greener" than some. I have the time to read labels scrupulously, and make trips to the transfer center with all of our carefully organized recyclables. I have the time to research, find, then shop, co-op's and farmer's markets, or spend time dithering in the grocery store aisles (will write more about this habit at another time) and online, debating in my head the merit of the products I buy. I have the time to wash those still-dirty carrots from the local farmer, and wash what seems like an endless stream of Ziploc baggies and hang them to dry. But I know that not every one's life is like this, and mine won't always be (headed back to school this coming fall to obtain a master's degree, then off to work with said degree--I hope.) I hope if I can establish green habits now, that those can follow us into our future, no matter who is at home, and can follow my daughter into her future when she leaves our nest (sniff!).

For now we live in Rhode Island, but perhaps not for long. It is just another stop on my spouse's Navy career journey. We have been interested to see the many ways different people from different places (both stateside and overseas) deal with "Green." Some places do more recycling. Some places make that easy, some difficult. In some places litter blows in the wind past our feet, and in some we can drop a picnic blanket nearly anywhere and have a meal. In some places we are "tree huggers" or "granolas," and in others we are not nearly as green as our neighbors.

For now, we can afford to be, and buy, greener. It is criminal how much we spend on grocery/food items each month but we know that we are eating healthier foods, using more Earth-friendly products, and supporting those who produce those products so that they can continue to do so. We know that not everyone can buy the way we do, and we understand that we might not always be able to either (you just never know), but for now we are putting our green into Green (hmmm...a good advertising slogan? Or maybe it already is and I haven't been paying attention.).

For now we are doing what we can to be as green as we can. We can always do more, of course, and each year instead of New Year's resolutions we try, as a family, to think of ways we can be greener that year. On New Years 2006 we decided to use fabric napkins rather than paper (by the way, do the simple math with your older kids on that. We figured out how many paper napkins a family of three would use a year if we each used one napkin a piece for three meals a day. It was a good math lesson for our girl, and a shocking number. We tried to research how many napkins one tree can make, but were unable to find that information, so if anyone knows, I'd love to hear!). For New Years 2007 we decided to eat as locally and as organically as possible, start our own organic garden (which we are doing right now), and support as many local farmers and food "creators" (dairy farmers, bee keepers, maple syrup makers, hen keepers, etc.) as possible by buying their products (this idea was given a huge boost by Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver, the new "localvore" bible, which my dear friend mentions in her first blog entry). My daughter has decided to plant a tree for her birthday, and we organized a neighborhood clean-up walk for Earth Day. We have done these things and many more, meeting with varying degrees of success. I am eager to add more green changes to our lives.

Come with me, , and our families on this journey. Add your two cents, give us ideas, help us think outside the box. Let's see where we end up...


Unknown said...

I am Green-Ga's sister. My husband and I, too, are trying to live a greener lifestyle. We have started re-using all of our ziploc baggies, we constantly refill our water bottles rather than buying ANY, and when we shop-we bring our own bags (I have a very wise and Earth friendly sister to thank for those)! I used to always get very get strange looks from cashiers in various places for bringing in and using my own bags, but that activity has died down tremendously since many retailers have decided to offer reuseable shopping bags in their establishments. I have also done a little research about the local co-op markets and such and am pleased to announce that work is in progress for a year-round farmers market here in the Salt Lake Valley, that I will happily support. I am not aware of when it will open, but I excitedly look forward to it's arrival.
I have to admit however, I am a sucker for all things bulk. We do a lot of shopping at Costco-as though it were our "local grocery store"-and I feel bad. I don't know that Costco is very green and I find it difficult to find information on just how green those huge corporations are. We have changed our eating habits and believe this will change our shopping habits as well.
On slightly different note, I watched a Nightline episode about what our oceans have turned into-a mere trash bin for all things plastic (recycleable plastic). I was amazed to learn that a good part of the "sand" on many beaches is turning out to be more plastic than actual sand. I don't find it difficult to find a recycling bin when I am away from home and in the event I cannot find one, I keep the recycleable item with me until I get home, where I know I can just drop it in my bin (we have been blessed with a trash bin and a recycle bin at our home that the city comes to empty every week) and sleep well at night knowing that it is taken care of and it's not blowing down the road, across the field and into the river to be carried to the ocean. I watch my neighbor throw everything in her trash can, from recycleables to garden waste and wonder if she does this because she does not want to pay a few extra dollars for the recycle can or if she just doesn't want to take the few extra minutes and steps to pull both cans to the curb once a week. I want to think that if everyone took the steps that some of us already do, the world would be a better place and we wouldn't have to worry so much about the environment and leaving better future to our children and theirs. I know people trying to "go greener" are the minority and we cannot always have everything we want (but a girl can dream, right?).
I let it all go there and I apologize, but I needed to say a few things about change. I also need to commend these girls on starting this blog. I now wish everyone would read this and realize there are many things in their lives that they can change. Please, for the sake of all things beautiful, let us all start to "GO GREEN"...

boz122 said...

love this blogg. Looking forward to greener days and education for our young

Hillary said...

More than just us! Hooray! I'll post again soon. Thanks, Britt. Perhaps you can be a "guest poster???"

KJackson said...

As a friend of green-ga's living in Maryland, it is great to see 'green' thinking from many corners of the US. I think it's important to recognize that being green actually yields dividends for us personally and not just the earth at large. I love my reusable grocery bags - they're sturdier than paper and plastic, stand up on their own and have handles. I love when I can buy organic knowing my kids aren't getting extra hormones or other chemicals. (I'll have to worry enough about those things when they're teens!)
One very easy idea for a different type of recycling is to join your local Freecycle group through YAHOO! Posters can offer items they no longer want and anyone interested simply picks it up. The used item stays out of a landfill and the recipient doesn't head to WalMart and purchase something new.
Good job, ladies. Keep it up!

eml said...

I am Green-Ga's neighbor and I am so excited about this blog! I try to live green and learning every day something new! My 4 year old is very thoughtful of the earth and she has all these great ideas! Green-Ga planned an Earth Day clean up in our neighborhood, it was a huge success. It was wonderful to see the children talking about the earth and what they can do to help.. I hope this become a yearly event, if not more often... Thanks Green-Ga!

Best of luck!