Wednesday, April 2, 2008

By Way of Introduction: Cotton In The Medicine Bottles

I am somewhat new to the Green Scene. About two and a half years ago, I visited Green-ga and she introduced me to recycling. It was something that I thought I should do but into which I never really put any effort. After our visit, I signed up for my city's curbside recycling (turns out it's cheaper to have one solid waste container, one recyclables container, and one yard waste container than to have two solid waste containers) and started washing and reusing my ziplock baggies. But I didn't truly catch the vision until I had read Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Wow! That was a life changing book. I felt so stupid for all the things I didn't know.
My change over to a greener way of life is happening step by step and I am by no means perfect. But I am now aware and making an effort. This blog is to document our journey as run-of-the-mill haus fraus in reducing our environmental footprint.
I live in Utah and have three children. I mostly am a stay at home mom, but occassionally get out and work for money. I am in my mid thirties and we enjoy an average income. I'm giving this bit of exposition so that maybe others who are trying to "Go Green" will hopefully not find it hard to try what I'm doing.

To Reduce My Environmental Impact I:
Use City Curbside Recycling (all paper and paper products, aluminum, metal cans(like soup), plastics 1-5)
Reuse plastic grocery bags, but making the change over to totally reusable bags
Reuse ziplock baggies
Grow an organic garden (just starting that actually)
Use cloth napkins
Buy organic foods (sometimes)
Patronize a local dairy
Look forward to patronizing the local farmer's market

I Am Going To:
Start Composting (once I build a bin!)
Find a local place to recycle batteries
Find a local place to recycle glass
Get new energy efficient windows

Need To Try Harder At:
Reusing the ziplock baggies (I sometimes get lazy)
Using fewer paper towels
Reusing paper

So, I am by no means Queen Environmentalist, but I'm making progress. In making the lifestyle changes I already have, it's been an adjustment, but after a while it gets to be the norm. It's my hope that anyone reading this blog might think maybe there's something he or she can do to make a change, even a small one, for the better.


Bree said...

Yea! We've started! started. But anyhow, it is something. You were always better at starting things than me. Gotta work on that. Think anyone will read us?

Scott and Athena said...

Hey, Good for you ladies!!! I think I'm just a little lazy to really get into "going green", but I do some of the things you posted.
Hey, if and when you find a local place to recycle glass, will you please let me know? My dad has old windows that he's trying to find a place to take them to recycle them.

Carrie Ann said...

HOORAY for the green ladies! Over the last few years I have gone more green. I take my own bags to the grocery store, I don't use plastic produce bags at the store, I use "green" cleaning products where I can, keep chicken, use their poop in my garden, compost etc. The things I struggle with is driving our cars (3 of them!), flying places, ziplocs, and paper towels. I need to wean myself off the last two. It's possible! I will support your efforts and look to you for inspiration! I am particularly interested in local food.